PPG Wavetable List
List of original PPG Wavetables included on PPG Wave and Groove Synthesis 3rd Wave
PPG wave wavetables:
00. Resonant
Harmonics 1-8 very strong, simulation of a resonant filter, wave number 00 is a sine.
01. Resonant2
Similar to wavetable 00, but with additional higher harmonics, dual VCF simulation
02. MalletSyn
Similar to two previous wavetables, but also good for vibes, bells, tubular bells.
03. Sqr-Sweep
Sine-to-rectangular sweep, low-resonance VCF simulation, like for clarinette and flute.
04. Bellish
Waves 00-47 feature very high harmonics in progressively greater amplitudes. Waves 48-59 continue to add high harmonics but at a faster rate. Also useful for delay effects and church bells.
05. Pul-Sweep
Very high harmonics are emphasized, effects similar to wavetable 15, but more mixture like.
06. Saw-Sweep
Sine-to-ramp sweep, low-resonance-VCF effects, also good for woodwinds.
07. MellowSaw
VCF sweep without resonance, also useful for woodwind sounds.
08. Feedback
Highpass VCF simulation, no resonance. Wave 00 has no fundamental. Wave 25 has fundamental at maximum amplitude. Useful for dark percussive strings, bass with click-like attack.
09. Add Harm
Formants are strong middle-range harmonics, useful for ring-modulation and vocal sounds.
10. Reso 3 HP
Similar to wavetable 09.
11. Wind Syn
Low formants. Wave 00 is dark, 32 is bright, 59 is dark.
12. HighHArm
High formants that sweep.
13. Clipper
Very strong high-order harmonics, the fundamental is weak. Useful for bright percussive stringed keyboard instrument sounds like clavichord. When swept, you get an amplitude modulation effect. Wave 00 is maximum amplitude, 24 is minimum amplitude, 59 is maximum. Use great detuning, upper waves and dissonant low chords for noise effects.
14. Organ Syn
Several organ registers.
15. SquareSaw
Harmonics 2 + 3 to sawtooth sweep. Useful for harmonium or accordion.
16. Formant1
Wild amplitude modulation effects when swept. Some peaks and dips in amplitude.
17. Polated
Wave 00 features the fundamental and second harmonic. Wave 14 is the fundamental alone. Wave 40 has high harmonics. Wave 59 is the fundamental.
18. Transient
When swept produces high-low-high harmonic sweep effect.
19. ElectricP
Waves 00-32 are stationary waveforms with string upper harmonics and a few lower harmonics. Wave 59 has no fundamental.
20. Robotic
Fast discrete changes of low and high harmonics for sample and hold effects. Wave 00 is a sine wave.
21. StrongHrm
Sine wave to high frequency formants.
22. PercOrgan
This wavetable is particularly suited for echoing effects. Waveforms vary from original attack plus one delay, to two colored delays. Wave 00 is a sine wave.
23. ClipSweep
Strong high harmonics.
24. ResoHarms
Stationary organs. If swept produces ascending high harmonic sweeps.
25. 2 Echoes
Waves 59 to 49 go from bright to sine wave. 48 to 33 have a colored delay. 33 to 18 are sine waves. 17 to 00 have a colored delay echo.
26. Formant 2
Variations on sawtooth waves in strong, bright formants. Good for brass sounds.
27. FmntVocal
Formant sweeps. When keyboard is used to control the waves, for vocals and choirs.
28. Sync
Phasing sawtooth waves. Useful for ensemble string sounds.
29. PWM
Square to rectangular to narrow pulse waves. Sweeps produce pulse width modulation effects.
30. Upper Wavetable
This wavetable was used on older Wave 2.2’s when you wished to load the Lower Waves with your own sampled waveforms from the Optional Waveterm. When selected, wave numbers 00-63 retained the waveforms of the previously selected wave-table, but the upper waves will be replaced by your own sampled waveforms. This function is somewhat useless in 2.3 since any bank, regardless of wavetable being used can accept a sampled sound from the Waveterm.
31. Piano/Sax
Another special wavetable which holds 8-big samples of a piano and saxophone that are self-sweeping. When using this wavetable, the WAVES MAIN and WAVES SUB controls do not work as normal. Instead, the WAVES MAIN pot is used to adjust the starting point of the sample, and the WAVES SUB control adjusts the end point of the sample.
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