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Free Novation Bass Station 2 Synth Patches, Presets

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Novation Bass Station 2

This is a Patch for Novation Bass Station 2
Author: tomikaje
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 153 free patches available

Novation Bass Station 2 Resources

Below are additional resources, commercial patch banks and sound sets, software editors and videos for the Novation Bass Station 2. Click here to Upload a Resource, Video or Link to a Commercial Soundset.

Novation Bass Station 2 Firmware and Librarian Tools:

Recharge your Novation Bass Station 2 with a bunch of new sounds. Check out these commercial soundsets and patch banks full of precision crafted patches.
Novation Bass Station II - Space Sounds
My private collection of space sounds dedicated to Novation Bass Station II. I've always loved spacious and 3D sound. Novation Bass Station II allows you to produce many spatial sounds. I really like Novation Bass Station II for its functionality and sound. The soundset complements my few presets for the free genius Valhalla Supermassive reverb. With this soundset, you can take your instrument to the next level.
Novation Bass Station II - Analog Beast
My private collection of favourite sounds dedicated to Novation Bass Station II. I've always loved analog sounds. Novation Bass Station II is a true Analog Beast. I love this synth for its functionality and fat sound. With this soundset, you can take your instrument to the next level.
Novation Bass Station II - Classic Sounds
My private collection of classic vintage sounds dedicated to Novation Bass Station II. I've always loved classic sounds like Roland SH-101, Moog Minimoog, Sequential Prophet, Roland TB-303, Roland Juno 60 or Hammond B3. I decided to recreate them with one of my favorite synthesizers. I really like Novation Bass Station II for its functionality and sound. With this soundset, you can take your instrument to the next level.
Luke Neptune's Disco, House and EDM Soundset for Bass Station II
101 custom patches for Bass Station 2, focused on disco, house, hip hop, and electronic dance music sounds.

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