Preset Patch - Free Patches, Sound Design Community

The Who

The Who are an English rock band formed in London in the mid 1960s. They released many critically acclaimed and popular hit albums in the 60s, 70s and 80s. They used synthesizers and keyboards in many of their biggest hits.

Thanks to Peter Schwartz who made a patch called velocity sitar, I tweaked it a bit and put a couple pads, along with master controls reverb mix, timing controls reverse delay mix, and shape controls filter frequency cutoff
Author: stevysound

got these from a friend who has programmed them
Author: connyboeg

Drip drop the flute is played by the wind and the one who gives us each daily breath. This is a patch for the Korg Minilogue XD
Author: tealizard

This is a patch for the Roland D-50. Keyboard is split between two different tempos. 1) for The Who's "905" by John Entwistle and 2) for Emerson, Lake, and Palmer's "Karn Evil 9" 1st Impression, Part 2
Author: jeblomberg

This is a Cinematic Patch for the Moog Subsequent 37
Author: charalamposts

MIDI Song MIDI File - Hard Rock

Author: sainteazna

MIDI Song MIDI File - 80s

Author: inkaboku

MIDI Song MIDI File - Grunge

Author: arvydas00

MIDI Song MIDI File - Classic Rock

This is a MIDI Song file.
Author: vendetta801

MIDI Song MIDI File - Classic Rock

Author: wysiwyger

MIDI Song MIDI File - Classic Rock

Author: wysiwyger


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