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Each MIDI CC operates at 7-bit resolution, meaning it has 128 possible values. The values start at 0 and go to 127. Some instruments can receive higher resolution data for their MIDI control assignments. These high res assignments are defined by combining two separate CCs, one being the Most Significant Byte (MSB), and one being the Least Significant Byte (LSB). Most instruments just receive the MSB with default 7-bit resolution. Here is a table that lists all MIDI CCs:
CCNameMIDI CC DetailsValuesType
0Bank SelectSwitch Preset Banks for Patch Selection. This is used in combination with program change commands.0-127MSB
1Modulation WheelThe Mod Wheel is one of the most used CC messages. It can be assigned to a variety of different controls in your synthesizer/sampler/effects units. Common mappings include adding vibrato, or adjusting filter cutoff. 0-127MSB
2Breath ControllerLike the Mod Wheel, this CC is intended for real time performance modulation. The CC2 Breath controller was originally defined for electronic wind instrument breath amount. 0-127MSB
4Foot PedalThe Foot Controller CC4 can be used like an extra expression pedal, for real time performance modulation.0-127MSB
5Portamento/Glide TimeThe Portamento/Glide defines how consecutive note pitches are interpolated between. With no portamento/glide, the pitch of a new key press is immediate and in tune to the key. With portamento/glide, the frequency is glided up/down from the previous frequency.0-127MSB
6Data Entry (MSB)This CC is used with SYSEX NRPN or RPN messages0-127MSB
7MIDI VolumeThe MIDI Volume CC7 is used to control the overall volume of the instrument - the output volume.0-127MSB
8Stereo BalanceThe Stereo Panning CC8 is used to control the Left/Right balance for instruments with stereo signal paths. Note: CC10 is often used instead to control panning.0-127MSB
10Pan Position / BalanceThe Mono Panning CC10 is used to control the Left/Right balance for instruments with stereo signal output. Note: CC8 is occasionally used instead to control panning.0-127MSB
11Expression PedalThe Expression Pedal CC11 is one of the most common used CCs for live performance modulation. It is usually assigned within the instrument to control a variety of different modulation options. 0-127MSB
12Effect Controller 1This Effect Controller CC12 is intended for controlling effects parameters within an instrument.0-127MSB
13Effect Controller 2This Effect Controller CC13 is intended for controlling effects parameters within an instrument.0-127MSB
16Slider, Knob or Ribbon ControllerThe CC16 is a general purpose MIDI controller that can be used for performance modulation.0-127MSB
17Slider, Knob or Ribbon ControllerThe CC17 is a general purpose MIDI controller that can be used for performance modulation.0-127MSB
18Slider, Knob or Ribbon ControllerThe CC18 is a general purpose MIDI controller that can be used for performance modulation.0-127MSB
19Slider, Knob or Ribbon ControllerThe CC19 is a general purpose MIDI controller that can be used for performance modulation.0-127MSB
32Bank Select (LSB)This is used in conjuction with CC0 Bank Select for some instruments with additional mod resolution.0-127LSB
33Modulation Wheel (LSB)This is used in conjuction with CC1 Mod Wheel for some instruments with additional mod resolution.0-127LSB
34Breath Controller (LSB)This is used in conjuction with CC2 Breath for some instruments with additional mod resolution.0-127LSB
36Foot Pedal (LSB)This is used in conjuction with CC4 Foot Pedal for some instruments with additional mod resolution.0-127LSB
37Portamento/Glide Time (LSB)This is used in conjuction with CC5 Portamento/Glide Time for some instruments with additional mod resolution.0-127LSB
38Data Entry (LSB)This CC is used with SYSEX NRPN or RPN messages0-127LSB
39Volume (LSB)This is used in conjuction with CC7 Volume for some instruments with additional mod resolution.0-127LSB
40Balance (LSB)This is used in conjuction with CC8 Stereo Balance for some instruments with additional mod resolution.0-127LSB
42Pan Position (LSB)This is used in conjuction with CC10 Pan Position for some instruments with additional mod resolution.0-127LSB
43Expression (LSB)This is used in conjuction with CC11 Expression for some instruments with additional mod resolution.0-127LSB
44Effect Control 1 (LSB)This is used in conjuction with CC12 Effect Controller 1 for some instruments with additional mod resolution.0-127LSB
45Effect Control 2 (LSB)This is used in conjuction with CC13 Effect Controller 1 for some instruments with additional mod resolution.0-127LSB
64Sustain Pedal On/OffThe Sustain Pedal CC64 is one of the most commont MIDI CC messages, used to hold played notes while the sustain pedal is active/depressed. Values of 0-63 indicate OFF. Values 26-127 indicate ON.<=63 OFF, >=64 ON---
65Portamento/Glide On/Off SwitchThis CC65 is indeded to be used as an on/off switch for Portamento/Glide. Values of 0-63 indicate OFF. Values 26-127 indicate ON.<=63 OFF, >=64 ON---
66Sostenuto On/Off SwitchThis Sostenuto CC64 is intended to activate the sustain of only the active notes when the pedal is first engaged. Values of 0-63 indicate OFF. Values 26-127 indicate ON. <=63 OFF, >=64 ON---
67Soft Pedal On/Off SwitchThe Soft Pedal CC65 is a switch to activate the soft strike effect. Most pianos have three strings that are struck by a hammer, but the hammer or keys are shifted so only two strings are struck with a key strike. Values of 0-63 indicate OFF. Values 26-127 indicate ON.<=63 OFF, >=64 ON---
68Legato On/Off SwitchThe Legato CC68 is a switch to enable or disable Legato / Smooth transitions between consecutive notes. Values of 0-63 indicate OFF. Values 26-127 indicate ON.<=63 OFF, >=64 ON---
69Hold Pedal 2The Hold Pedal CC69 is an alternative control message to Sustain that controls how notes are held and fade out. Values of 0-63 indicate OFF. Values 26-127 indicate ON.<=63 OFF, >=64 ON---
70Sound Controller 1Sound Controller CC70 is often assigned to sound generation variance. 0-127
71Sound Controller 2 - Filter ResonanceSound Controller CC71 is often assigned to filter resonance amount / Q amount.0-127
72Sound Controller 3 - Amp Envelope DecaySound Controller CC72 is often assigned to the amp envelope release time. It may affect how notes are held and fade out.0-127
73Sound Controller 4 - Amp Envelope AttackSound Controller CC73 is often assigned to the amp envelope attack time. This is the amount of time from key strike to maximum volume.0-127
74Sound Controller 5 - Filter CutoffSound Controller CC74 is often assigned to filter cutoff point / Q location, at some frequency/hertz.0-127
75Sound Controller 6Sound Controller CC75 is a general purpose CC for altering some sound generation, filtering or effect.0-127
76Sound Controller 7Sound Controller CC76 is a general purpose CC for altering some sound generation, filtering or effect.0-127
77Sound Controller 8Sound Controller CC77 is a general purpose CC for altering some sound generation, filtering or effect.0-127
78Sound Controller 9Sound Controller CC78 is a general purpose CC for altering some sound generation, filtering or effect.0-127
79Sound Controller 10Sound Controller CC79 is a general purpose CC for altering some sound generation, filtering or effect.0-127
80General PurposeGeneral Purpose CC Switch. Values of 0-63 indicate OFF. Values 26-127 indicate ON.0-127
81General PurposeGeneral Purpose CC Switch. Values of 0-63 indicate OFF. Values 26-127 indicate ON.0-127
82General PurposeGeneral Purpose CC Switch. Values of 0-63 indicate OFF. Values 26-127 indicate ON.0-127
83General PurposeGeneral Purpose CC Switch. Values of 0-63 indicate OFF. Values 26-127 indicate ON.0-127
91Effect 1 Amount (Reverb)Reverb Amount CC91 controls the amount of reverb. Reverb is a delay/echo effect to emulate spaces.0-127
92Effect 2 Amount (Tremelo)Tremelo Amount CC92 controls the amount of tremelo. Tremelo is volume/amp modulation.0-127
93Effect 3 Amount (Chorus)Chorus Amount CC93 controls the amount of chorus. Chorus duplicates and time shifts the incoming signal to create multiple variants, like a chorus of players. 0-127
94Effect 4 Amount (Detuning)Detuning Amount CC94 controls the amount of detuning. Detuning alters the frequency of one or more sound generators away from their nominal pitch/frequency. 0-127
95Effect 5 Amount (Phaser)Phaser Amount CC95 controls the amount of phasing. 0-127
96Data Bound Increment (+1)
97Data Bound Decrement (-1)
98NRPN LSBNon-registered Parameter (LSB)0-127LSB
99NRPN MSBNon-registered Parameter (MSB)0-127MSB
100RPN LSBRegistered parameter (LSB)0-127LSB
101RPN MSBRegistered Parameter (MSB)0-127MSB
120Channel Mute / Sound OffCC120 is used to indicate all sounds off or instrument mute. Values of 0-63 indicate OFF. Values 26-127 indicate ON.0-127
121Reset All ControllersCC121 is used to reset all controllers / set controller to off. Values of 0-63 indicate OFF. Values 26-127 indicate ON.0-127
122Local Keyboard On/Off SwitchCC122 is used to set the instrument into Local Keyboard Mode On/Off. In some cases, this can be used to prevent MIDI feedback loops, or if using the keyboard as a MIDI controller for other instruments. 0-127
123All MIDI Notes OFFCC123 is a switch used to tell an instrument to turn all active notes off. This may be useful if a note is hung in the on position. Values of 0-63 indicate OFF. Values 26-127 indicate ON.0-127
124OMNI Mode OFFCC124 is a switch to set MIDI Channel OMNI Mode OFF. Omni means that the instrument will send/receive on all MIDI channels (1-16) rather than a specific channel.0-127
125OMNI Mode ONCC125 is a switch to set MIDI Channel OMNI Mode ON. Omni means that the instrument will send/receive on all MIDI channels (1-16) rather than a specific channel.0-127
126Mono ModeCC126 is a switch used to tell an instrument to operate in Mono/Unison mode rather than Poly mode.0-127
127Poly ModeCC127 is a switch used to tell an instrument to operate in Polyphonic mode rather than Mono/Unison mode.0-127

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