Richard RC Couretl:
Minilogue 'RC50 Patches' is a brand new collection of sounds made by our synth guru "RC Music" for the Korg Minilogue.
You will find basses, leads, pads, percussive sounds and other big unison patches that will reveal the real power of analog.
Compact synth but big sound !!!
Notes :?
You will have 4 files :
- 1 sysex file with the 50 sounds as separate files, you can choose the sound one by one.
- 1 total dump file with all the 50 sounds in one shot.
- 1 file that can be use with the librarian (RC50.mnlgpreset).
You can drag and drop any patch from preset window to the librarian, so you can arrange it as you need.?
- 1 file that will import all 50 patches (RC50.mnlglib) at once in 101 to 150 slots using Korg librarian.
Click Here for More Info from Richard RC Couretl