Hammond Deggs Music:
This application will allow you to prepare a file that is currently directly compatibly with your synthesizer librarian. You can have up to 127 samples, with 30567 bytes currently available to store the sample data / descriptor data. Note! As items are fixed, or features are added to the embedded player, this size remaining may change!
Samples, are not just simple 'wave' files with this application. A "Descriptor" is required, which has all of the requisite data required to actually play the sound, such as sample rate at root note, loop points, loop types etc. Each Descriptor however does NOT require a unique wave! This means, a single 'wave' can have multiple descriptors, allowing you to do some tricks, such as having 1 key that plays a sample looped whereas another key plays it unlooped. This is especially useful if you have a drum loop and wish to break it up into parts. Samples may be played straight (no loop), with a forwards loop, and with a back-and-forth loop mode.
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