Preset Patch - Free Patches, Sound Design Community

Tangerine Dream
Tangerine Dream is one of the most prolific bands of the past 50 years, releasing over 80 studio albums. They are known for their progressive electronic and ambient sounds, which are driven by a variety of classic and more modern synths.

This is a Patch for the Korg Wavestate
Author: paulo888

This patch is taken from the new soundset for Rev2 "Pad Collection"
Author: Vortebor

This is a patch for the Korg Wavestate
Author: wizeutropio

This is a Patch for the Korg Wavestate
Author: Moonweed

Atmosphere sound for Korg Wavestate
Author: Straker61

Tangerine Dream - Love On A Real Train Preset
Author: SAGEA1967

This is a patch for the Korg Minilogue XD
Author: Wild man

This is a Patch for the Korg Wavestate
Author: Moonweed

This patch is Great for creating PPG Tangerine Dream Berlin school sequences. (Sound Tower Program)
Author: SynthMan2020

Kind of a Tangerine Dream vibe to it, pluck. ARP
Author: rgroot14

Waldorf Iridium: Ratcheting sequences with 4 measures on 2 layers
Author: Patchwizz

This is a Paraphonic patch (up to three notes) with lots of rhythmic modulation sequencing built in. Try out the slider to increase the rate division, while still sync'd to external clock / drum machine. Lot's more patches like this are available in my Mass and Motion soundset for Pro 3.
Author: CreativeSpiral

Yamaha DX7 Synth Patch - Uncategorized

Tangerine Dream.
Author: wildeddie

Korg Modwave Synth Patch - Uncategorized

Based on the Korg Wavestation preset called Tangerine D. This is a Tangerine Dream style performances which is a part of my new Korg Modwave collection
Author: iansdixon

Similar to “PPG” sounds used on Tangerine Dream LP's (The Keep, Flashpoint, Ricochet, etc...). Use the Bend Wheel to increase VCF. Ensure the MG1 Wheel is set to zero (all the way to front of synth).
Author: Mr_Mojo_Risin

This bank is made on the VST plugin of System 1, and saved in .bin format, so it will be necessary to load it in the plugin and from it, use the SEND option, to send it to the hardware synthesizer.
Author: Lazaroson48903

This is a Lead Patch for the Arturia Mini V
Author: Mysterioussines

Collected from MB Facebook Community shares
Author: MassGravenImage

Collected from MB Facebook Community shares
Author: MassGravenImage

Collected from MB Facebook Community shares
Author: MassGravenImage

Collected from MB Facebook Community shares
Author: MassGravenImage

This is a Patch for the DSI Prophet Rev2 from the 40 free patches bundle by Robust American Patches
Author: Vetal-1413

Similar to arpeggiator “PPG” sounds used on Tangerine Dream LP's Poland, Logos and others, Use the Bend Wheel to increase VCF. Ensure the MG1 Wheel is set to zero (all the way to front of synth)
Author: Mr_Mojo_Risin

This is a Pad Patch for the TAL U-NO-LX
Author: lluvamusic

This is a Pad Patch for the TAL U-NO-LX
Author: lluvamusic

MusicOnCassette Behringer JT4000 Patches
Author: masterthesound

This is a Lead Patch for the uhe Hive
Author: acflex12

This is a Brass Patch for the DS Audio Thorn
Author: Alfredlahr

As always: check controllers for this patch!
Author: Astheologos

This is a Patch for the Waldorf Blofeld
Author: Astheologos

Love on a real train like tangerine dream patch
Author: infinitecool

Modal Skulpt Synth Patch - Uncategorized

This is a patch from HIVEMIND bank
Author: Judik1979

This is a Patch for the Moog Little Phatty
Author: Enneade38

This is a Pad Patch for the Tone 2 Icarus
Author: Olnium01

This is a Sequence Patch for Arturia Pigments - The driving, ratcheted bass line from Tangerine Dream's "Burning Bar" from the "Thief" soundtrack, 1981.
Author: LigetiFan


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