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Free Behringer Deepmind Synth Patches, Presets

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 83 free patches available
Behringer Deepmind
Patch Bank


This is a Patch Bank Bank for Behringer Deepmind
Author: Alilibere
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 83 free patches available

Behringer Deepmind Resources

Below are additional resources, commercial patch banks and sound sets, software editors and videos for the Behringer Deepmind. Click here to Upload a Resource, Video or Link to a Commercial Soundset.
Recharge your Behringer Deepmind with a bunch of new sounds. Check out these commercial soundsets and patch banks full of precision crafted patches.
CreativeSpiral's Vintage VCM Sound Set for Behringer Deepmind
This bank of 128 patches uses voice component modeling (VCM) techniques to give the DeepMind classic vintage character.
Roberto Galli's Classic Synth Soundset for Behringer Deepmind
128 custom patches for Deepmind 6/12, focused on classic analog synth sounds and famous song tones from the 80s and 90s.
Abyss Vol.1 Soundset for Deepmind
128 Patches, containing pads, leads, keys, basses, classics, generative, and more, Ideal for most genres of electronic music from EDM , Film Scoring to Synthwave.
Analog Audio Classic Analog Soundset for Behringer Deepmind
100 custom patches for the Deepmind 6/12, focused on classic/vintage tones, including pads, synth brass, stabs, basslines, leads, synth strings and modular style effects.
Deep Impressions
DEEP IMPRESSIONS features 100 exciting sounds. Experience from over 25 years of synthesizer programming has been incorporated here. Pads, arpeggios, string machines (a great Eminent 310 emulation, as heard in "Oxygene"), basses, leads and modulars. This sound set is the most beautiful sound collection for the Deepmind series.
Eridanus Preset Pack
This patch pack includes 80 original, royalty-free presets for the Behringer Deepmind 6/12 synthesizers with an additional 8 tweaks of patches included in the pack (88 patches in total). These patches are focused on combining creativity with usability, lea
Luftrum Palace Arcade Soundset for Deepmind
64 custom patches for Deepmind 6/12, focused on synthwave, chillwave, retro and classic 80s tones, but with a modern twist.
Barb and Co Deepmind-3109 Sound Set
64 patches for the Deepmind, inspired by the Jupiter, Juno, JX, MKS and SH series from Roland.
Barb and Co JP8 Factory Sound Set for Behringer Deepmind
64 patches for the Deepmind, inspired by the original factory patches for the Roland Jupiter 8 synth.
Luke Neptune's Synthwave Soundset for Deepmind
100 custom patches for Deepmind 6/12, focused on the Synthwave genre, with lots of pads, strings, leads, basses, arps and more.
Luftrum Cortex Soundset for Deepmind
115 custom patches for Deepmind 6/12, focused on ambient, cinematic, industrial, EDM, and electronic production sounds.
GeoSynths Deeper Volume 3 Sound Set for Behringer Deepmind
128 more custom patches, following up on the Deeper Volume 1 and 2 soundsets. Lot's of new pads, basses, leads, strings, keys and more.
Carma Studio's Synthwave Soundset for Deepmind 12
128 custom patches for Deepmind 6/12, focused on the synthwave genre, including a variety of pads, arps, basses, poly synth sounds, leads, effects and more.
GeoSynths Deeper Volume 2 Sound Set for Behringer Deepmind
128 more custom patches, following up on the Deeper Volume 1 soundset. Lot's of new pads, basses, leads, strings, keys and more.
GeoSynths Deeper Volume 1 Sound Set for Behringer Deepmind
128 custom patches for the Deepmind, featuring lots of warm and evolving pads, synth bass and leads, strings, keys and other sounds.
Below are some famous song patches and sound designs for Behringer Deepmind.
Led Zeppelin - No Quarter
This is a synth patch inspired by Led Zeppelin's "No Quarter" from Houses of the Holy. The patch is a Rhodes Electric Piano style sound with phaser effect.

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Related Instruments

Below are other instruments which have the same sound engine or similar. Patches for these other instruments may be compatible with the Behringer Deepmind.

Roland Juno 106

Patches not directly compatible. Similar sound engine.

More Info about Roland Juno 106

Behringer Deepmind Articles