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Free TAL U-NO-LX VST Patches, Presets

Page: 1 | 2 | 38 free patches available


50 Leads for TAL U-NO-LX
Author: lluvamusic
Page: 1 | 2 | 38 free patches available

TAL U-NO-LX Resources

Below are additional resources, commercial patch banks and sound sets, software editors and videos for the TAL U-NO-LX. Click here to Upload a Resource, Video or Link to a Commercial Soundset.
Energize your TAL U-NO-LX with a bunch of new sounds. Check out these soundsets and patch banks full of custom crafted patches.
Luftrum Juno Elixer Soundset for TAL-U-No-Lx
100 custom patches for TAL-U-NO-LX synth, with loads of pads, arps, basses, and rhythmic sequences.
Luftrum 12 Soundset for TAL-U-No-Lx
64 custom patches for TAL-U-NO-LX synth, including a variety of ambient pads, funky basses, crispy synth leads and arpeggios.
Check out some TAL U-NO-LX Famous Song Patches and Sounds.
Daft Punks Homework Synth Sounds
Free TAL U-NO-LX presets from "Around the World" and "Da Funk"

+ Add a Link to a Sound Set, Video or Resource

Related Instruments

Below are other instruments which have the same sound engine or similar. Patches for these other instruments may be compatible with the TAL U-NO-LX.

Roland Juno 60

Tal U-NO-LX VST is a software emulation of the classic Roland Juno 60 Synthesizer

More Info about Roland Juno 60