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Free Access Virus TI 2 Synth Patches, Presets

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 73 free patches available
Access Virus TI 2


This is a Arpeggio Patch for Access Virus TI 2
Author: Modulor One
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 73 free patches available

Access Virus TI 2 Resources

Below are additional resources, commercial patch banks and sound sets, software editors and videos for the Access Virus TI 2. Click here to Upload a Resource, Video or Link to a Commercial Soundset.
Recharge your Access Virus TI 2 with a bunch of new sounds. Check out these commercial soundsets and patch banks full of precision crafted patches.
Nutty Traxx Sinister Sounds
Nutty Traxx unleash the sinister side of the Virus TI with this Dark Cinematic Soundset with 100 fear invoking presets. This soundset provides the most cutting edge sounds for Horror Film Composing, Ambient, Video Games and is flexible to fit any upfront g
Ultimate X Illusions Sound Set for Access Virus TI or TI2
128 custom patches suitable for a variety of genres including ambient, chillout, downtempo, electronica, trap, rock, cinematic and more.
Ultimate X Vintage X Sound Set for Access Virus TI or TI2
128 custom patches with a variety of different vintage style sounds inspired by classic Moog, Yamaha, Oberheim, SCI and Roland synths of the 70s and 80s.

+ Add a Link to a Sound Set, Video or Resource

Related Instruments

Below are other instruments which have the same sound engine or similar. Patches for these other instruments may be compatible with the Access Virus TI 2.

Adam Szabo Viper

Adam Szabo Viper VST is inspired by the Access Virus Synth line. Most Virus patches can be imported to Viper.

More Info about Adam Szabo Viper