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Free Korg opsix Synth Patches, Presets

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Korg opsix
Choir Vox


This is a Choir Vox Patch for Korg opsix
Author: neumensch
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Korg opsix Resources

Below are additional resources, commercial patch banks and sound sets, software editors and videos for the Korg opsix. Click here to Upload a Resource, Video or Link to a Commercial Soundset.
Recharge your Korg opsix with a bunch of new sounds. Check out these commercial soundsets and patch banks full of precision crafted patches.
A Very Custom OP-6 Soundset by Jexus
250 custom patches in Opsix Librarian format. A wide variety of sounds meant to inspire and make you look at the synth in a different light.
Altered States
Altered States explores the the world of psychedelics and their effect on our state of consciousness.
Moonlight Soundpack
Here are 50 new patches in the "moonlight" soundpack with deep FM pads, organic FM strings, drones and landscapes, keys and base-sounds from sounddesigner xu.sounddesign.
Limbic Bits Korg opsix Habitat sound pack for Ambient, Techno and Electronica
Habitat is a sound pack for KORG opsix. It features 75 new presets best suited to Ambient, Dub and Melodic Techno or Deep House. If you like atmospheric pads, deep Dub Chords, and swirling arpeggio lines, check out these Korg opsix patches. In addition, yo
Marc Barnes Korg Opsix Soundset
32 custom patches for the Korg Opsix synth, including a variety of pads, electric pianos, synth guitars, synth brass, basses, leads, and soundscapes.
Barb and Co Altered Core Sound Set for Korg Opsix
56 custom sounds for Korg Opsix, including a variety of FM and virtual analog type sounds.
CO5MA's Dark Sequences Soundset for Korg Opsix
32 custom patches for the Korg OPsix, focused on dark ambient sounds and sequences.
CO5MA's Ambient Essential Soundset for Korg Opsix
32 custom patches for the Korg OPsix, focused on ambient sounds and pads.

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