Preset Patch - Free Patches, Sound Design Community

Admired Sound Artisan
35 Uploads


I make weird music...weirder

I started out with my first mono synth in Jan 2021, it was a PRO-1. I collected a Nuetron, WASP and Crave to add to my bizzare poly chain of mono's. That's when I spent hours, 1000's, researching highend poly synths. With the intention of needing only one more decent synth to complete my rig (at least, this is what I tell my wife). I am a guitar player who ended up being good at bass, then drums, then keys, because I am a frustrated musician who can't find reliable musicians to work with.  After considering differnt Prophets (REV 2 inparticualar), a Novation Summit, OB-6, etc I ended up going with the Polybrute. Now I am completely in love with this thing and it will seem like it will take years to find my way around everything this thing has to offer. So far I have recorded 3 albums with it and I'm not slowing down anytime soon!

2022 Update - I grabbed and Deepmind 12 and the Sound Exploerers Pack from Arturia!!! Having a blast with all my hardware and software! Pigments is AMAZING!!!! If you work in a DAW, get it!!! You will not regret it!


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Preset Patch is a FREE patch exchange, however, to promote a healthy community of sharing, you are given a set number of download tokens per 24-hour period. Your tokens are automatically replenished every 24 hours.

If you would like to increase your daily download token quota, then become a contributor to the Preset Patch! Upload some of your personal patches, like some downloads you enjoy, and your daily download tokens will increase.

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To gain more daily download tokens, become a contributor! Upload some of your own patches to the community, like some downloads you enjoy, and you'll rise in status and be a valuable member.


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To gain more daily download tokens, become a contributor! Upload some of your own patches to the community, like some downloads you enjoy, and you'll rise in status and be a valuable member.


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