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Free Korg Minilogue XD Synth Patches, Presets

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Korg Minilogue XD


A simple synth harp arpeggio sound.
Author: hrhmhrhm
Korg Minilogue XD


A squeaky, electronic arp sound.
Author: hrhmhrhm
Korg Minilogue XD


A snappy arp sound with plenty of delay.
Author: hrhmhrhm
Korg Minilogue XD


Mellow organ with EP vibe
Author: cliberti
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Korg Minilogue XD Resources

Below are additional resources, commercial patch banks and sound sets, software editors and videos for the Korg Minilogue XD. Click here to Upload a Resource, Video or Link to a Commercial Soundset.

SineVibes User Oscillators:
Bent-wave FM, Resonator, and Variable Waveshaping synthesis plugins available for purchase.

Recharge your Korg Minilogue XD with a bunch of new sounds. Check out these commercial soundsets and patch banks full of precision crafted patches.
Roberto Galli's Analog Mania Soundset for Minilogue XD
120 custom patches for the Minilogue XD, including a variety of classic vintage analog tones inspired by music of the 80s and 90s.
A Very Custom XD Soundset by Jexus
300 custom patches in sysex and XD Librarian format. A wide variety of sounds meant to inspire and make you look at the synth in a different light.
Robust American Volume I for the Korg Minilogue XD
64 custom patches including lots of poly synth sounds, basses, leads, arps, sequences, and other sound designs.
Marc Barnes Factory on Fire Volume 3 Sound Set for Minilogue XD
50 new patches for the Korg Minilogue XD, including a variety of pads, stabs, bells, leads, basses, drones, arps and more.
Marc Barnes Factory on Fire Volume 2 Sound Set for Minilogue XD
59 new patches for the Korg Minilogue XD, primarily focused on synthwave, electronic dance, techno, house, ambient or cinematic scoring.
Marc Barnes Factory on Fire Sound Set for Minilogue XD
50 custom patches for the Korg Minilogue XD, primarily focused on synthwave, electronic dance, techno, house, ambient or cinematic scoring.
Barb and Co Submarine 2 Sound Set for Korg Minilogue XD
50 more custom patches for Minilogue XD, focused on large textural sounds and ambient. Uses additional user oscillators and effects.
LFO Store Motion Arp Soundset for Minilogue XD
50 custom patches for the Minilogue XD, focused on arpeggio and motion sounds.
Barb and Co XD Studio Minilogue Sound Set
200 custom patches for XD, with a variety of different sounds to spice up your tracks.
Luke Neptune's Vintage/Classic Soundset for Minilogue XD
100 custom patches for Minilogue XD, focused on vintage/classic sounds, and including lots of brasses, pads, strings, retro basses and leads.
Sounds Divine Future Retro XD Soundset for Minilogue XD
165 custom patches for the Korg Minilogue XD synth, including a variety of vintage sounds, tremolo pads, classic brass sounds, digital soundscapes, futuristic arpeggiated sounds, haunting chimes, big unison pads, morphing metallic pads and more.
Barb and Co Submarine Sound Set for Korg Minilogue XD
50 custom patches for Minilogue XD, focused on large textural sounds and ambient.
Bobeats Minilogue XD Soundset
64 custom patches for the Korg Minilogue XD synth, including a variety of pads, leads, bass, sequence and effects sounds.
Upgrade your Korg Minilogue XD with new functionality with new firmware or user customizations.
User Oscillator:  Pluck for Korg Minilogue XD
Pluck is a User Oscillator for the Korg Minilogue XD, Prologue, and NTS-1, which recreates the resonant qualities of plucked string instruments through use of tuneable feedback loop.
User FX: Breathe Reverb for Korg Minilogue XD
Breathe are deep reverbs with lots of modulation, and the filter frequency is controlled automatically via signal presence.
User FX: Cathedral Reverb for Korg Minilogue XD
Cathedral, Theatre, Haze and Mist are four new deep reverbs for the Minilogue XD and Prologue synthesizers.
User Oscillator: Divide for Minilogue XD
A free Divide Down Oscillator for Korg Minilogue XD and Korg Prologue, for replicating classic organs, string machines and other synths that used divide down oscillator setups.
User Oscillator: Fold for Korg Minilogue XD
Fold is a user oscillator for Korg Minilogue XD or Korg Prologue which emulates wave-folding technology found in analogue circuitry.
User Oscillator: Extra for Korg Minilogue XD
Extra is a paraphonic voice expander, with sawtooth and pulse / PWM oscillator types. With this you can get up to 12 paraphonic voices on your KORG minilogue xd synthesizer!
User Oscillator: Duet for Korg Minilogue XD
A free dual oscillator, dual LFO setup for Korg Minilogue XD, Prologue and NTS-1 synthesizers.
User Oscillator: 1973 for Korg Minilogue XD
A free single oscillator, dual filter emulation for Korg Minilogue XD and Korg Prologue, for creating classic miniKorg 700 style sounds.
User Oscillator: Shapes for Minilogue XD
A free multi-waveform oscillator for Korg Minilogue XD and Korg Prologue, for creating variable waveshape morphing sounds.
User FX: Grit Analog Delay for Korg Minilogue XD
Grit is a user delay effect that uses a variable rate approach, resulting in a tape or BBD style delay sound.
User FX: Hera Chorus for Korg Minilogue XD
Hera, is a dual bucket brigade style chorus MOD FX for your KORG Minilogue XD and Prologue synthesizers that was commonly found on some 80's synthesizers.
User Oscillator: String for Korg Minilogue XD
String is a User Oscillator for Korg Minilogue XD, Prologue or NTS-1, which attempts to recreate the dynamic qualities of a 1980's analogue string synthesizer.
User Oscillator: Chips for Minilogue XD
A free PWM/Triange/Chiptune Arp Oscillator for Korg Minilogue XD.
User Oscillator: Souper for Minilogue XD
A free user oscillator for Minilogue XD that generates a Super-Saw oscillator stack.
Sound librarian and editor software for Korg Minilogue XD. Edit with precision and arrange your sounds via your computer.
Darrien's Minilogue XD Aerobik Performer M4L Editor Controller for Ableton
A Max4Live (M4L) device for use in Ableton Live that allows you to control your Minilogue XD via MIDI, and record parameter changes.
Below are software apps available for Korg Minilogue XD.
The home of Morpheus and FM64 series user customizable oscillators. Use your own waveforms or Yamaha DX7 voice banks and get your own cusomized oscillators.
Wave Creator for Korg Minilogue XD
Wave Creator is an interactive sample loader and user oscillator creator for your KORG Minilogue XD and Prologue synthesizers.

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